脱出ゲーム Home Room

by Jammsworks



You are in the classroom in front of the school graduation ceremony.nFind a variety of items, lets escape by solving the mystery and gimmicks.

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脱出ゲーム Home Room✳︎AppStoreランキング 無料総合 9位 獲得!✳︎あなたは卒業式前の学校の教室にいます。様々なアイテムを見つけ出し、謎や仕掛けを解いて脱出しましょう。クリア後には動物達とかくれんぼ!?あなたは全部見つけられる?【特徴】・かわいい動物たちが登場するので小さいお子様と一緒でも存分に楽しめます♪・面倒な計算もなく、難易度はやさしめなので、脱出ゲームが苦手な人でも気軽にプレイできます。・進行状況に合わせたヒントが出てくるので行き詰まる心配なし!・進行状況はもちろん、ゲーム内の仕掛けなども自動セーブされます!【あそびかた】操作方法ももちろん簡単!・タップで調べる・画面下の矢印をタップで視点変更・アイテムのアイコンをダブルタップで拡大表示・アイテムを拡大表示したまま別のアイテムを選択してタップすると合成・画面左上のMENUボタンからヒントが見れます。【料金】・プレイ料金はもちろん、ゲーム内課金も一切ありません。・完全無料ですのでどなたでも安心してゲームをお楽しみください。【Jammsworks】プログラマー:Asahi Hirataデザイナー:Naruma Saito2人でアプリを制作しています。ユーザーの皆様を楽しませられるよう日々試行錯誤を重ねています。もし気に入っていただけたら他のアプリも是非遊んでみてくださいね♪【提供】Music-Note.jp:http://www.music-note.jp/Music is VFR:http://musicisvfr.comicons8:https://icons8.com/Escape Game Home Room✳︎AppStore rankings Free ninth overall win! ✳︎You are in the classroom in front of the school graduation ceremony.Find a variety of items, lets escape by solving the mystery and gimmicks.Hide-and-seek with the animals after clear! ?You can find all?【Characteristic】- You can enjoy the fully even with small children because the cute animals is to appear ♪· Tedious calculations without, because the degree of difficulty is a kindness Me, escape games you can also feel free to play in a weak person.- No worry stuck together was because hint comes out to progress!- Progress is, of course, will be automatically saved as well, such as trick in the game![How to Play]Operation method is also of course easy!Examined in tapViewpoint change in tap the arrow at the bottom-screenAnd close-up view of the item of the icon by double-tapItems larger image was to select a different item remains the synthesis and tap- the upper left corner of the screen hint from the MENU button you can see.[Rates]Play fee, of course, in-game billing does not have any.- Please enjoy the game completely because free is at ease anyone.[Jammsworks]Programmer: Asahi HirataDesigner: Naruma SaitoWe created an app in two people.As can be entertained the user of everyone we have piled up day-to-day trial and error.If you liked but please come play with try also other apps Itadaketara ♪[Provide]Music-Note.jp:http://www.music-note.jp/Music is VFR: http: //musicisvfr.comicons8: https: //icons8.com/

Read trusted reviews from application customers

no english select

Fred Nupp

This is an English Playstore.


Please translate this game into English TwT

Gusti AP

Being able to read a little Japanese (and using translation apps), it was fun figuring out what to do. But the video ads that play unprompted every few minutes are really bothersome. Many Jammsworks games offer a one-time payment to remove ads, but sadly this one does not.

Paul Gossett

No English option

Linda Houston

though there's no English subtitle, it's fun to play with

Simone Lam

Please let me know when an English translation is available! I'm a big fan of these games but I got stuck and couldn't understand the hints.

Jessie Antonellis-John

Looks like a good game but it's in another language. I like a lot of this company's games but in this one the language seems to really matter and there's no setting to change it.

Cassandra Lajeskie

It’s difficult to play the game because it’s Japanese


Not english

Ali Ryder